Piotroski Scan

Companies with Piotroski score of 9 which reflects nine criteria used to determine the strength of a firm's financial position. It is based on 3 most important criteria: Profitability, Leverage and operating efficiency. Please read more about it at: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/piotroski-score.asp

by Pratyush

604 results found: Showing page 1 of 25
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S.No. Name CMP Rs. P/E Mar Cap Rs.Cr. Div Yld % NP Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Profit Var % Sales Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Sales Var % ROCE % Piotski Scr
1. Hindustan Hardy 710.0026.31106.500.340.79-50.9316.530.7927.579.00
2. Gabriel India 514.0538.107384.040.7851.1620.40864.237.2626.729.00
3. Sundaram Brake 1107.0053.77435.040.181.49-57.4383.71-10.1511.369.00
4. Auto.Corp.of Goa 2699.8035.581643.800.7517.9277.43203.3334.6618.679.00
5. Privi Speci. 1438.9544.925620.930.1432.21548.09441.168.8912.419.00
6. NCL Industries 215.0512.78972.751.8612.94-58.37407.07-7.6015.789.00
7. BASF India 6866.0544.9529723.120.22220.5886.823966.9017.5524.999.00
8. Universal Starch 190.7014.0080.090.001.46-65.97133.27-1.9812.929.00
9. Mangalore Chem. 124.959.901480.941.1943.91-10.91814.05-15.0316.909.00
10. Bayer Crop Sci. 6355.0042.8628560.712.21254.20-22.621631.20-6.2333.919.00
11. Plastiblends (I) 323.9522.31841.921.3110.8541.83211.588.1311.109.00
12. Insecticid.India 898.4521.672659.200.3349.1469.27656.692.6213.029.00
13. Gillette India 9247.2073.2130136.640.49115.9726.40645.334.1858.259.00
14. Prakash Industri 180.259.213227.980.6790.491.211166.8615.1610.589.00
15. A B B 7627.70100.48161637.350.31443.4949.632830.8612.8430.699.00
S.No. Name CMP Rs. P/E Mar Cap Rs.Cr. Div Yld % NP Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Profit Var % Sales Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Sales Var % ROCE % Piotski Scr
16. GE T&D India 1603.05142.8541046.100.13134.54376.42958.3433.5523.149.00
17. Danlaw Tech. 1880.0041.56915.680.003.47-5.1947.301.9640.219.00
18. ATV Projects 34.9230.76185.500.001.60-21.1819.8342.562.599.00
19. Smiths & Founder 6.6088.5767.320.000.3172.223.11-
20. Rapicut Carbides 157.85264.8984.760.00-0.57-42.5010.89-11.324.339.00
21. First Custodian 108.557.0816.280.920.660.95578.5715.729.00
22. Anna Infrastruct 42.6036.8016.190.000.00-100.000.11-76.097.979.00
23. Gemstone Invest. 3.5060.8526.170.000.3332.000.5510.002.069.00
24. Nagreeka Cap. 24.901.9231.420.004.37228.5722.1063.1032.379.00
25. Panasonic Energy 513.3029.18384.991.724.1459.8562.98-18.0116.009.00
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