Flying rocket

Low PE and High EPS Growth

custom search with PE<10,EPSGR>10

by S Bhanuprasad

16 results found: Showing page 1 of 1
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S.No. Name CMP Rs. P/E Mar Cap Rs.Cr. Div Yld % NP Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Profit Var % Sales Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Sales Var % ROCE % ROE 5Yr Var %
1. 21st Cent. Mgmt. 110.781.96116.322.2624.45982.67108.5810650.5078.4358.82
2. Comfort Comtrade 32.221.3132.281.557.196436.369.8197.3854.68113.22
3. Cyber Media Res. 121.508.5535.581.650.628.7718.060.0630.2214.83
4. GE Shipping Co 1289.406.4618408.402.23811.9441.011508.2317.4918.51165.64
5. Goa Carbon 713.908.61653.222.802.98-76.33127.80-66.5623.1750.67
6. HB Stockholdings 134.412.8095.941.126.45-33.9110.02-3.4748.3538.63
7. Indian Metals 676.609.753650.532.22113.342.42662.28-5.6223.7553.52
8. Intl. Conveyors 85.926.79544.551.2831.87125.8740.39-5.3223.8051.92
9. Kuantum Papers 133.537.431165.232.2538.19-41.36280.75-10.2519.7911.97
10. Lak. Fin. & Indl 251.006.0375.301.354.7779.326.7665.6924.8168.31
11. Magadh Sugar 724.859.101021.431.3811.43-26.45359.3919.5114.5616.99
12. Mah. Seamless 625.859.958385.871.60220.16-12.131291.81-15.8522.9212.93
13. Taparia Tools 8.350.1112.67479.0430.0758.35211.1810.3543.9510.48
14. TCFC Finance 70.156.1073.522.573.62-6.464.81-10.7615.5620.72
15. Ujjivan Small 38.096.337368.373.94233.03-28.901612.7915.9311.0915.33
S.No. Name CMP Rs. P/E Mar Cap Rs.Cr. Div Yld % NP Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Profit Var % Sales Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Sales Var % ROCE % ROE 5Yr Var %
16. Vibrant Glo. Cap 67.502.84154.622.9613.86105.0374.0378.4733.4129.11

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Market capitalization > 500 AND Price to earning < 15 AND Return on capital employed > 22%