Low PE and High EPS Growth

custom search with PE<10,EPSGR>10

by S Bhanuprasad

12 results found: Showing page 1 of 1
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S.No. Name CMP Rs. P/E Mar Cap Rs.Cr. Div Yld % NP Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Profit Var % Sales Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Sales Var % ROCE % ROE 5Yr Var %
1. Goa Carbon 857.409.17784.002.049.3676.94178.46-43.5323.4651.01
2. Ponni Sug.Erode 427.257.83367.141.6413.5698.5471.31-28.3010.3523.02
3. India Gelatine 381.209.52270.362.625.02-46.0851.21-9.4424.6327.85
4. Magadh Sugar 685.908.32968.971.0246.8833.75288.12-3.4914.5316.93
5. I O C L 162.855.51229751.373.075487.92-49.96198649.76-2.5621.2411.09
6. C P C L 897.754.9413383.293.01612.38-39.0217720.18-1.6034.6452.03
7. B P C L 618.754.96134265.473.394789.57-36.39116554.73-1.3232.0915.15
8. GE Shipping Co 1059.755.7915128.292.72905.0825.381497.332.8420.15170.63
9. H P C L 498.904.4270778.363.012709.31-24.91114677.636.1321.3011.10
10. Haryana Leather 88.119.3643.261.132.37308.6213.5324.3614.4318.80
11. B N Rathi Sec. 99.249.66101.721.512.3029.9413.5532.9728.4526.80
12. Golech.Glob.Fin. 20.887.7611.484.790.71125.094.06141.6722.9728.31
Median: 12 Co. 463.077.79876.492.6730.2227.66233.29-1.4622.1324.91

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Custom query example

Market capitalization > 500 AND Price to earning < 15 AND Return on capital employed > 22%